Happy New Year All! Another year is ending and a new one
beginning. This is a good thing as it gives us the
opportunity to start fresh and renew our enthusiasm.
Each day could be looked at that way, too. If fact, some
people see waking up each morning as the beginning of
not only a new day, but a new life. Then when they go
to sleep, that is the end of the day and the end of that
life -- a small death if you will.
People who think that way try to make the day as full
as possible...filled up with happiness, accomplishments,
good deeds, gratitude and love.
After all, if you knew you only had 16 hours to live, would
you fill it with frustration, fear, anger, envy or greed? Or,
would you try to be the best you could be and be as
happy as you could and accomplish as much as you
could and help others as much as you could and love
as much as you could? And be thankful for everything!
Of course, that's an extreme way of viewing life. But,
you have to admit, if you look over the past year, there's
a lot of opportunity to make improvement.
I want each of you to accomplish more in the next year than
you have in the past 10 years. That's my New Year
wish for each of you.
And in dealing with people, I will leave you this quote
from Og Mandino...
“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they
were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all
the care, kindness and understanding you can muster,
and do so with no thought of any reward. Your life will
never be the same again.”
Happy New Year!